A friendly blog where feminists and their male allies can come together and discuss methods, tactics, and strategies for use in toppling White Supremacist Capitalist Patriarchy.


Special Olympics

Today I got to work at a little past 8AM, got on a van full of my pals, and went to the area's Special Olympics. I didn't get off work until 10:30 this evening and I'm beat, 'cause I don't sleep much anyways and I didn't last night as usual.

But it was a really fun day. I was a "coach", and everyone at the place where I work came back with medals.

It would have been more fun, had they used their rain date. The folks didn't get to do the parade, which for them is usually the highlight of the day's festivities.

And like I said, it was a fun day, but sitting in the bleachers with "my athlete" and looking at the whole football-field fiesta I was struck by the pomp and circumstance, about how very, very important this event is in the culture of developmentally disabled persons in Gringolandia, and it was so wild. So dang wild.
"My athlete" got a silver medal and a bronze medal.

Then I had to go to the regular "work" of my work, and do all that shit.

So I'm tired.

I think I might put on my PJ's and go to bed.


TNTrash said...

*looks up*

Making fun of the disabled; apparently it's what internet trolls do in their excessive spare time.

Go to Invader Pichu's blog if that's the kinda crowd you hang in.

Me said...


You're a new blog, the trolls always come when you're new. They're trying to shut you up before you've gotten your footing. I've seen it over and over again, it happened on my blog and it's happened on every new blog I see.

Don't let them stop you and don't let them shut you up. Your voice is valuable and powerful and it is precisely that reason that they hang around. You scare the shit out of them and you make them feel like shit about themselves. Thus, they feel they must attack you as much as possible.

It's Psych 101, keep talking, keep screaming and don't let them fuck with you.

As for the special olympics. I've gone with my cousin before and it's amazing to watch these folks. They get so much out of it, the program is wonderful and it's a great time for the volunteers as well as for the participants.

Great cause to put your energy into!